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Gums are easy to take for granted. The soft pink tissue under your teeth may not appear to be anything to worry about, but just like your teeth, it’s vital you take care of them.
Your gums are integral to your smile. Like your teeth, they are prone to the effects of bacteria. If you develop gum disease, it’s a problem you should pay attention to. Gum disease doesn’t just affect the health of the pink fleshy tissue beneath your smile —it can cause wider issues.
So, what are the signs of gum disease? How does gum disease develop? What happens when you get it? And how is it treated?
In this guide, we’ll look at nine facts about gum disease you need to know.
It’s easy to focus on the condition of your teeth. You probably brush your teeth morning and night, but it’s easy to overlook your gums. In fact, it’s easy to miss the early symptoms of gum disease. These may include
Gum disease is one of the things we look for during checkups. This is one of the reasons why you should visit us regularly.
Gum disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth. There are countless bacteria of various types present at all times. Some bacteria are harmless or even beneficial. Other bacteria are not.
If you’re cutting corners when brushing your teeth or skipping dental checkups and hygiene appointments, tartar can build up around the gum line. This causes irritation and inflammation.
Early gum disease is called gingivitis. If you notice the subtle symptoms of gingivitis early, you can prevent your gum disease from developing into periodontitis.
Gingivitis is easily reversed. Brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, and visiting a dental hygienist are all essential steps in the fight against early gum disease.
As gingivitis progresses, it can lead to periodontitis. During this advanced stage of gum disease, pockets form in the gums, which causes teeth to become loose. Periodontitis also affects your jaw. Eventually, your jawbone will deteriorate, impacting your appearance and the foundations on which your teeth are built.
There are also links between gum disease and cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Having gum disease when pregnant can also affect the health of your baby.
If you smoke cigarettes, it puts you at an increased risk of developing gum disease. Alongside the stains and bad breath caused by tar and nicotine, smoking dries your mouth. It also reduces the oxygen levels in your bloodstream.
Smokers often find recovering from gum disease takes longer, too. If you’re a smoker, we can provide support to help you quit. Alternatively, you can access smoking cessation assistance from your doctor.
Halitosis is one of the most common effects of gum disease. Although you may develop bad breath when you have gingivitis, it worsens if you develop periodontitis.
You may not notice that you have bad breath. However, if you’re aware that your breath smells bad, it can make you self-conscious when talking with others.
Eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of vitamin-rich fruit and vegetables can help stave off gum disease. Food and drinks that are high in sugars will provide fuel for the bacteria that cause gum disease. Reducing your intake of these items will help reduce the risks.
Bacteria and food debris can easily become trapped in the small gaps between your teeth. Flossing right down to the gum line is one of the most effective ways to preserve your gums in this hard-to-clean part of your mouth.
You should floss daily. Various products on the market can help you clean between your teeth. We can advise on techniques and products during routine checkups or hygiene appointments.
Certain groups of people are more prone to gum disease than others. You may have increased risk
But anyone can develop gum disease. In fact, it’s a very common condition and it’s one that everyone should be mindful of.
Gum disease affects everyone. A good dental hygiene routine with thorough brushing, flossing, and mouthwash will help. It’s important to attend a dental checkup every six months and we also recommend regular hygiene treatments.
Call today to book your next checkup or hygiene appointment.
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