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A bridge is a custom made dental device that is anchored by either one or both of the teeth that sit on either side of a gap.

A bridge is an option for a replacement for a tooth or teeth that a patient has lost, restoring both the appearance and the function of the missing teeth. Bridges can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, porcelain, or a combination of the two, and are colour-matched to the shade of your natural teeth.

Different bridge options are available for patients depending on each person’s unique needs. The dental professionals at Platinum Dental Care will assist you in deciding whether a bridge is a suitable option for you to consider in replacing missing teeth.

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  • FAQs

What kinds of bridges are available?

  • Maryland Bridge/Resin Retained Bridge: This is an aesthetically pleasing and preservative option. This type of bridge uses an artificial tooth that has small protrusions on either side to anchor it to the adjacent teeth. This bridge is usually used to replace front/middle of the mouth missing teeth.
  • Cantilever Bridge: This is a bridge that has a false tooth that is anchored to only one neighbouring tooth which is usually crowned. This is an option for a space in the front/middle of the mouth.
  • Fixed Bridge: This bridge uses the teeth on either side of the gap as anchors. Both anchor teeth are crowned and it is an option for a molar space in the back of the mouth.

Why might I need a bridge?

A bridge is a fixed option to replace missing teeth that have been extracted or perhaps never developed or erupted. Bridges improve function, aesthetics and prevent bone loss. Finally, a bridge prevents adjacent/opposing teeth from moving into the space and maintains a healthy bite. 

What can I expect when getting a bridge?  

Bridge treatments typically entail two appointments.

  • First visit: The abutment teeth are prepared. This involves reshaping neighbouring teeth that will support the bridge. Your dentist will create a cast of your teeth. They will then use this mould to make the bridge, false teeth and crowns that are uniquely fitted for your mouth structure. Then your dentist will make and fit a temporary bridge for you to wear to protect your exposed teeth while your permanent bridge is being made.  

Note: a Maryland/Resin retained Bridge may not need any preparation and can also act as a temporary bridge.

  • Second visit: The bridge will be set with dental cement that is designed to attach the apparatus directly to the teeth. After installing the bridge, the dentist will check the fit to make sure it sits comfortably in the mouth and creates an aligned bite. You may require follow-up appointments to ensure the Bridge fits correctly and to check your bite. This Bridge is permanent and cannot be removed without the dentist’s help. 

What does a bridge treatment feel like?

Once the bridge is installed, it may take some weeks to become familiar with its feel in your mouth. You will become more comfortable with this feeling as you become accustomed to talking and eating with your bridge.

How do I care for my bridge? 

A bridge can fail to support teeth if you experience gum disease and the jawbone is damaged. Practice good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing. Always clean between your teeth and under your bridge. Your dentist or hygienist can show you how to properly clean your bridge and recommend interdental flossers that will work well with your appliance.   

How long does a bridge last?

The average lifespan of a bridge is between ten and fifteen years. However, this can vary greatly, depending on the individual’s oral health, habits and diet, as well as the quality of the original anchor teeth. 

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