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Port East Building Hertsmere Road Canary Wharf London E14 4AE

Tooth Extraction

Natural teeth are used for biting, chewing and maintaining the jawbone and facial structure. It is your dentist’s first priority to repair, restore and save your natural teeth. However, sometimes a tooth extraction is unavoidable.

A tooth extraction is the full removal of a tooth that cannot be restored. Your dentist may recommend this procedure for several reasons including if the teeth were damaged as a result of trauma, infection, vertical cracks, periodontal disease or for orthodontic reasons.

The dentists at Platinum Dental Care will make sure you are fully comfortable and cared for before, during and after extraction. If you feel anxious about this procedure talk to your dentist who can help relieve your anxiety.

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What are the common reasons for tooth extractions?

  • Extensive tooth damage or decay
  • Extensive bone loss or mobility due to periodontal disease
  • Preparation for orthodontic work or braces
  • Large infections in heavily filled teeth that cannot be restored

What are the signs and symptoms of extensive tooth damage or decay?

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Pain experienced while eating or drinking
  • Spontaneous pain or toothaches
  • Visible holes and cracks in the teeth
  • Mobility

Are there different kinds of extractions? 

Simple extractions are used when a tooth can be seen within the mouth and the roots of the tooth to be extracted are in the correct alignment for easy removal. The patient will receive a local anaesthetic gently to make their experience comfortable. The dentist will carefully remove the tooth after which the healing time is approximately 2 weeks. 

Surgical extractions are necessary when a tooth is either not visible or cannot be easily removed. The tooth may be hidden because it has not yet fully emerged from the gum (which is often the case in the removal of wisdom teeth), or because the tooth has broken off at the gum line due to trauma. 

Surgical extractions can be done under local anaesthetic by an experienced dentist or a specialist oral surgeon. The recovery period for surgically extracted teeth is longer than a simple extraction.  

What are some tips for tooth extraction recovery?

  • Eat soft foods 
  • Take the medications recommended by your dentist, if needed
  • Brush your teeth gently during recovery and avoid the extraction site for two to three days after the procedure
  • Don’t drink through a straw for twenty-four hours, so you don’t disturb the blood clot
  • Don’t rinse your mouth vigorously or spit to avoid loosening the blood clot and delaying healing
  • Avoid smoking 

How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

Recovery times vary depending on the extraction, but most patients feel better after two to three days for simple extractions and one to three weeks after surgical extraction. Your dentist may schedule a follow-up visit

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